October 04, 2022
Build: An Unorthodox Guide to Making Things Worth Making by Tony Fadell
This listen comes highly recommended from our Founder, Shea. She just finished Build by Tony Fadell - ya know, the Senior Vice President of the iPod division at Apple Inc. and Founder of Nest Inc. "It was hands down one of the most important product books I've ever listened to in my career. In many ways it mimicked my own origin story of building Buderflys. It felt a little strange that he wrote something that so intimately felt like my own experience of growing my company, while at the same time, wildly validating. Beyond this crazy relatable experience, this book offered incredibly delineated insight into the investment world, building products, growing teams, and the constant ups and downs of the entrepreneurial experience." So yeah, we get why this one hit so close to home for our girl Shea.